Care Group

Care Group

• Craft days are held in the Church Hall from 9.30am to 1.00pm each Wednesday.

• Morning tea provided for a gold coin donation. You are very welcome to join this lively group - and bring a friend.

• Bring whatever craft you are doing, sewing, knitting, crochet etc and join in the fellowship and conversation as you work.

Comments from quilt recipients:

Comment from aged care recipients.

"Mum's quilt was the focus of her funeral. They mentioned it in the funeral and draped it on the coffin. The quilt brought mum much joy and will be remembered always."

"I'll put this quilt on my bed when my beloved is no longer here. We have been married 65 years and this will help me feel close to him."

Note from daughter.

"This quilt gives us beautiful memories for my mother to take home when my dad passes."

"Coming in and seeing Dad comfortable under his beautifully crafted quilt gives us such joy."

"We have been comforted by the Bible verses crafted into the quilts."

Feedback from child of an elderly person.

"Thanks for the quilt. I feel wrapped in love."

"We are overwhelmed that people who don't know us give such a generous gift."

"The colours are so beautiful. It cheers mum up - and cheers us when we visit."

Uarbry bushfire quilt recipients.

A ferocious fire, caused by a lightning strike, tore through the town of Uarbry in western NSW in February 2017. The fire destroyed 35 homes, leaving families devastated and homeless. The Toronto Care Group sent a number of quilts to the families, who were grateful for their thoughtfulness. One letter said "The quilts are beautiful and we appreciate them very much. They will be a welcome addition to our new home when it is built. Thank you for your kindness."


Judy met a lady whose husband had recently been killed in a car accident. The family were Rohingya refugees and had only been in Australia for seven years when the tragedy occurred. They felt devastated at the loss and Judy immediately thought of the Care Group and rang to see if she could get some quilts. She was given two quilts - one for the wife and the other for their three-year old son who now doesn't have a daddy. Judy delivered the quilts and the mother was surprised and very grateful for the kindness shown to her. Judy says "We thank the quilting group for their contribution to an opportunity to show God's love to others."

Homeless people

What does a homeless person need?

The ladies in the Care Group prepare packs to give to the homeless that help them to survive.

Cobargo Fire Victims

Twelve quilts were recently sent to Cobargo to people who had lost everything in the recent fires (2020) that swept through their area.

They were so appreciative of the love and care that went into the quilts and it gave them a warm glow to know that others were thinking of them and cared for them.

Pop, a 92 year old, with his son and daughter-in-law were touched and grateful for the beautiful quilts given to them.